For some reason I think I might find it easier to post actual entries once I've shown my face. So this is my face.
Horrible horrible picture but at least the only way is up! Excuse the smirks (hello, duck face) and extreme close-ups.
I'm going to cook some dinner now, and then I'm hopefully going to go and see what's going down at the Dalston WI. I will report back!
I'm wearing a vintage velvet dress with vines on (so much less showy than florals, huh?) that I bought from a charity shop and vintage 1970s Lilley and Skinner shoes. There's my drum bits in the background, we only just moved in. This is one of my favourite winter dresses, but I'm pretty sure I wore it when I joined the Shoreditch WI this time last year! oops. Pretty embaressing considering my groaning wardrobe.